家用電鍋爐越來越受親瞇,具有的結構緊湊、重量輕、體積小、安裝操作簡便。壁掛式電鍋爐如何更安 全的使用電鍋爐是家庭用戶擔心的話題,山東電采暖鍋爐教大家安 全使用。
Household electric boilers are becoming more and more popular. They have the advantages of compact structure, light weight, small volume and simple installation and operation. How to use the wall mounted electric boiler more safely is a topic of concern for family users. Shandong electric heating boiler teaches you to use it safely.
相比其的類型的鍋爐,加熱時無 污 染,能在較低的工作壓力下獲得較高的工作溫度?;氐诫娂訜釥t再吸收熱量傳輸給用熱設備,如此周而復始,實現熱量的連續傳遞。確保能利用熱設備獲得持續穩定的高溫能源。
Compared with its type of boiler, it has no pollution during heating and can obtain higher working temperature under lower working pressure. Return to the electric heating furnace to absorb heat and transfer it to the heat equipment, so as to realize the continuous transfer of heat. Ensure that continuous and stable high-temperature energy can be obtained by using thermal equipment.
The domestic electric boiler takes electricity as the heat source, generates heat by energizing the tubular electric heating element, takes the heat transfer oil as the heat carrier, and forcibly circulates through the hot oil circulation pump to transfer the heat to one or several heat consuming equipment. For the more advanced boilers, the relevant heating is generally carried out through thermal cycle.
在使用電鍋爐的過程中,永遠都要記住維護自身。雖然有些不當操作,可能會出現危險,但請大家不用擔心!因為正規的家用電鍋爐生產廠家都是采用當前的防爆技術,所生產的鍋爐也是一種新型安 全、高 效、能提供高溫熱能的特種防爆工業爐。
In the process of using electric boilers, always remember to maintain your own safety. Although some improper operation may cause danger, please don't worry! Because the regular household electric boiler manufacturers adopt the current explosion-proof technology, the boiler is also a new type of special explosion-proof industrial furnace with safety, energy saving and high efficiency and can provide high-temperature heat energy.
電鍋爐安 全保 證如何正確操作?一般來說電鍋爐是用電來帶動你的暖氣供應和熱水供應,比起燃氣鍋爐,要安 全的多,沒什么危險。
How to ensure the correct operation of electric boiler safety? Generally speaking, electric boilers use electricity to drive your heating supply and hot water supply. Compared with gas boilers, they are much safer and there is no danger.